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PARK HOTEL Cawang – Jakarta had a small intimate event with students of Penabur Kindergarten School Cawang on 1 August. This event was held in commemoration of Indonesia’s National Children’s Day which actually is on July 23rd. On this event, PARK HOTEL Cawang – Jakarta team invited the children to do a fun face painting activity at TC Bar, located on the first floor of the hotel.

The kids were around five to six years old and accompanied by their teachers. While they we re waiting on their turns on face painting, the kids were coloring pictures, reading books and watching some movies. On this event, they were asked to request the drawings themselves. Most of them had their faces painted by their favorite super hero characters like Spider-man, Batman and Superman.

 PARK HOTEL Cawang – Jakarta wanted to support the government’s purpose to help creating a generation that is healthy, smart, cheerful, and has good character. “We realized that this activity is good for the kids to express their imagination and encourage them to be as creative as possible. This event was just our way to celebrate and dedicate this special day for them,” said S. Waluyo Sejati, the General Manager.

National Children’s Day was set on every July 23rd in accordance to the affirmation of the Law of Child Welfare which was on July 23, 1979. Eac h year, the theme of this day is different and set by the government. This year’s theme was “The Role of Family in Child Protection”. With reminder of this day every year, we hope everyone can be more aware and able to create Indonesia as a more child-friendly environment.