PARK HOTEL Cawang – Jakarta provides basic food assistance to residents of Jatinegara district in order to care for a common concern in the middle of the Corona Virus Disease (Covid-19) pandemic in DKI Jakarta. “We provide assistance in the form of this food to the people around PARK HOTEL Cawang-Jakarta that affected by Covid-19,” said General Manager PARK HOTEL Cawang-Jakarta, Nugi. Tuesday (01/7).
As a commitment from our routine Corporate Social Responsibility Program We do as a social caring action, we hope this activity can inspire and motivate all companies and communities to help each and see the surrounding environment to give mutual assistance.
All hope that the public also obey the Government’s recommendation to always keep the distance, not clustered, use a mask if outdoors, and diligently wash hands with soap. “If we are all obedient and obedient to the Government’s recommendation, the plague will soon disappear, and the economy returns to normal”.